I've been asked by several people how to get Jiraishin. It's very easy! First, you need to find a friendly Japanese bookstore. These are often located in Chinatown sections of big cities, or areas with large Asian populations. I get mine at our local Kinokuniya which has many stores around the world and consistently friendly staff. Next, find their manga section and check out their selection of Kodansha Comics. If they don't have it, all you need is the ISBNs, the author, and the publisher, and they'll usually be quite happy to order it for you. I've made a little text file with all the info you will need; just print it out and take that with you when you go hunting. In my experience, the price of each manga volume ranges from about $8 to $10. Just so you know in advance. ^_^ If you're after Jiraishin in English, you may have a little more trouble. It has been serialised in MixxZine with the title Ice Blade, which you should be able to pick it up in any decent comic store. There are eight issues available that have Jiraishin in them. If you can't find it, visit their website or mail them for more info. However, many files have been skipped due to what they consider 'sensitive' material, and it's also not a particularly popular title amongst their readers, due to being aimed at the wrong audience. It has now been withdrawn from the magazine, and is unlikely to appear there again. Three manga volumes have been released so far -- simply entitled Ice Blade, and don't forget to ask your stockists to look for them under the author name of Tutomu Takahashi as Mixx spelt his name wrong. ;;^^ They also bind about half the amount of stories into the English tankoubons than is normally put in the Japanese ones. *hmph* Jiraishin up to volume 18 has also been translated into Chinese; try Chinese Online for ordering it on the net, or again, check out your local Chinatown. (I've seen it at Chinese newsagents, myself.) At least one volume of Jiraishin has been translated into German, by Carlsen Comics, and I've seen information that at least one volume has been translated into Italian, by Star Comics. It's also published in Thai in a magazine called ComicsZone, brought out by Siam Inter Comics. I'm not sure if the Thai release gets bound into manga form, though. |
In my next life.. ![]()