agony builds up, day after day    in hardening asphalt
the flowers of poison bloom in profusion    if I cross myself and pray

the pacifist's white mask    take in this hand
do the same as the rest    bound and tied mindless people
if struck every day with a whip    seized by the neck
the bellicist's black mask    take in this hand

Sweet life    Mad life    Last life    Brain crash

right eye    left eye    right hand    left hand    right leg    left leg
bones    sweat    tears    blood    breath    nerves    even brains
continue to drink until numbed, in a stupor    let them drink the leech
dreams severed, living under dictatorship rules

spread your wings and see    aluminium wings
while the demon isn't there    go quickly down to the ground
spread your wings and see     a collapsing dream
an unfullfilled dream    scatter fast on the ground

"bury it"

"break it"

"wear it"

"        "
"go mad"

Lyrics - Kyo
Music - Kaoru

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