image credits

After some discussion on one of the J-Rock mailing lists I'm on, I realised that since I am legally breaking copyright laws by scanning all these images in.. well, the least I can do is credit where they came from! Especially the photographers, since they are the ones who took all the time and effort to take these photos in the first place.
All images are named from the magazine (or book) that they came from, so you can tell from that which images I refer to here.
Note: I'm not entirely sure of some of the names 'cause my kanji reading isn't up to scratch, so I'm putting the original kanji as well. Anyone want to correct me, please do!

Shikaku [a dead angle] photo book
Photographer: MASA
Hair and Makeup: Yamada Shinnosuke (山田信之介), Yamaguchi Atsushi (山口淳), Tabata Chinatsu (田端千夏), Ishizaki Masato (? your guess is as good as mine!) (石崎成人)
Costumes: ID-JAPAN, BA-TSU, Arisu Auaa (アリス アウアア)

Macabre CD booklet
Photographer: Ogata Hidemi
Hair and Makeup: Yamada Shinnosuke (山田信之介), Yamaguchi Atsushi (山口淳), Tabata Chinatsu (田端千夏)
Styling: Satou Sawako (佐藤さわ子)
Costumes: ID-JAPAN

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